《宝可梦 旅途 终极篇》(Pokémon Ultimate Journeys: The Series)又名:宝可梦旅途:终极旅程;是宝可梦动画系列的第 25 季,也是宝可梦旅途:系列的第三季和最后一季,在日本被称为宝可梦(ポケットモンスター,Poketto Monsutā)本季是艾希·凯奇姆和小豪的研究员冒险的巅峰,他们穿越了所有八个地区,包括宝可梦剑盾中的新伽勒尔地区和宝可梦剑盾:冠之雪原中的伽勒尔地区的冠之雪原,基地位于关都地区的 Vermilion City 的 Cerise 实验室。艾希在世界加冕系列赛中晋级,小豪继续与 Project Mew 合作。名称为宝可梦:阿尔宙斯编年史。
儿童动画网收录的《宝可梦 旅途 终极篇》第1-3季全42集,影片为1080P超清MKV格式,内置西班牙、法、德、意大利等多语音轨及多语字幕。不会切换影片语言及字幕的同学请参考“如何切换影片语言及字幕”;百度网盘下载,下载后为分卷压缩文件,不会解压的同学请仔细阅读“解压图文教程”!
《宝可梦 旅途 终极篇》 简介
《宝可梦 旅途 终极篇》第1-3季全42集 剧集目录
Pokémon Ultimate Journeys_ The Series_S01E01_The Spectral Express!
Pokémon Ultimate Journeys_ The Series_S01E02_The Winding Path to Greatness!
Pokémon Ultimate Journeys_ The Series_S01E03_It's All in the Name!
Pokémon Ultimate Journeys_ The Series_S01E04_Suffering the Flings and Arrows!
Pokémon Ultimate Journeys_ The Series_S01E05_The Good, the Bad and the Lucky!
Pokémon Ultimate Journeys_ The Series_S01E06_Lighting the Way Home!
Pokémon Ultimate Journeys_ The Series_S01E07_An Evolution in Taste!
Pokémon Ultimate Journeys_ The Series_S01E08_Out of Their Elements!
Pokémon Ultimate Journeys_ The Series_S01E09_Battling Turned Up to Eleven!
Pokémon Ultimate Journeys_ The Series_S01E10_Meeting Up With the Monarch!
Pokémon Ultimate Journeys_ The Series_S01E11_A One-Stick Wonder!
Pokémon Ultimate Journeys_ The Series_S01E12_Battling in the Freezing Raid!
Pokémon Ultimate Journeys_ The Series_S02E13_The Future Is Now, Thanks to Strategy!
Pokémon Ultimate Journeys_ The Series_S02E14_Taking Two for the Team!
Pokémon Ultimate Journeys_ The Series_S02E15_Reuniting for the First Time!
Pokémon Ultimate Journeys_ The Series_S02E16_Radio Lulled the Mischievous Stars!
Pokémon Ultimate Journeys_ The Series_S02E17_Big Brother to the Rescue!
Pokémon Ultimate Journeys_ The Series_S02E18_Catching the Aura of Fate!
Pokémon Ultimate Journeys_ The Series_S02E19_Aim for the Eight!
Pokémon Ultimate Journeys_ The Series_S02E20_Narrowing the Chaser Chase!
Pokémon Ultimate Journeys_ The Series_S02E21_The Homecoming Crown!
Pokémon Ultimate Journeys_ The Series_S02E22_Helping the Hometown Hero!
Pokémon Ultimate Journeys_ The Series_S02E23_Chasing to the Finish!
Pokémon Ultimate Journeys_ The Series_S02E24_Friends, Rivals, Lend Me Your Spirit!
Pokémon Ultimate Journeys_ The Series_S02E25_Curtain Up! Fight the Fights!
Pokémon Ultimate Journeys_ The Series_S02E26_Pride of a Champion!
Pokémon Ultimate Journeys_ The Series_S02E27_The Fiery Road to Mastership!
Pokémon Ultimate Journeys_ The Series_S03E28_Battling as Hard as Stone!
Pokémon Ultimate Journeys_ The Series_S03E29_Infinite Possibilities!
Pokémon Ultimate Journeys_ The Series_S03E30_It's… Champion Time!
Pokémon Ultimate Journeys_ The Series_S03E31_Bewitch, Battle, and Bewilder!
Pokémon Ultimate Journeys_ The Series_S03E32_Valor_ A Strategic Part of Battling!
Pokémon Ultimate Journeys_ The Series_S03E33_Whittle While You Work!
Pokémon Ultimate Journeys_ The Series_S03E34_Just a Scone's Throw From Here!
Pokémon Ultimate Journeys_ The Series_S03E35_A Flood of Torrential Gains!
Pokémon Ultimate Journeys_ The Series_S03E36_Toying With Your Motions!
Pokémon Ultimate Journeys_ The Series_S03E37_Paring Pokémon while Parrying!
Pokémon Ultimate Journeys_ The Series_S03E38_Partners in Time!
Pokémon Ultimate Journeys_ The Series_S03E39_The Mew from Here!
Pokémon Ultimate Journeys_ The Series_S03E40_In the Palms of our Hands!
Pokémon Ultimate Journeys_ The Series_S03E41_Heroes Unite!
Pokémon Ultimate Journeys_ The Series_S03E42_?This Could Be the Start of Something Big!
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