儿童动画片《小猫皮特 Pete the Cat》第1-2季全37集 国英日法等多语音轨+多国字幕 官方纯净无水印版 1080P/MKV/111G 动画片小猫皮特下载---终身会员专享

小猫皮特》(Pete the Cat)又名:皮特猫;《小猫皮特》是一部有趣的、以音乐为导向的系列,讲述了探索你的世界和尝试新事物的故事;突破界限,同时保持聪明、包容和乐观。皮特是一只非常酷和可爱的猫,他和他的朋友们一起经历了孩子们在个人层面上可能遇到的日常挑战和变化。无论您是结交新朋友,还是面对生活中的所有起起落落,皮特都会强调生活可以教给你的经验。

儿童动画网收录的《小猫皮特 Pete the Cat》(该部动画为官方原版,在单季剧集内容及播放时长上或许与国内不一致),影片为1080P超清MKV格式,内置国、英、法等多语音轨及中、英语多种字幕。不会切换影片语言及字幕的同学请参考“如何切换影片语言及字幕”;百度网盘下载,下载后为分卷压缩文件,不会解压的同学请仔细阅读“解压图文教程”

小猫皮特 Pete the Cat》 简介


《小猫皮特 Pete the Cat》第1-2季全37集目录


Pete the Cat_S102E01_Too Cool for School & Pete at the Beach
Pete the Cat_S102E02_Begin to Begin & Three Bite Rule
Pete the Cat_S102E03_Another Cats Shoes & Emma's Weird Song
Pete the Cat_S102E04_Magic Sunglasses & Sandcastles
Pete the Cat_S102E05_The Case of the Missing Cupcakes & Bedtime Blues
Pete the Cat_S102E06_The Band's First Gig & Quest!
Pete the Cat_S102E07_Pumpkin Pageant & Trick or Treating Ghost
Pete the Cat_S104E01_Kitty Catsclaw Reunion & Play Ball!
Pete the Cat_S104E02_I Once Was Lost & Snow Daze
Pete the Cat_S104E03_Taking Care of Bobness & Sally Comes Clean
Pete the Cat_S104E04_Pink Pajama Pals & Meteor Shower
Pete the Cat_S104E05_Blackout! & Wavy Way of Life
Pete the Cat_S104E06_Rock On Mom and Dad & Gotta Be You

Pete the Cat_S202E01_Finders Keepers & The Honkening
Pete the Cat_S202E02_Callie Loses Her Voice & Out of Tune
Pete the Cat_S202E03_Sally’s Not Amused & The Singing Cabbage
Pete the Cat_S202E04_Big Brother Lessons & Callie vs. the Volcano
Pete the Cat_S202E05_Sally Knows Boo & No Meowtain Too High
Pete the Cat_S202E06_The Ballad of the Soggy Music Room & Parents' Day Surprise
Pete the Cat_S203E01_Legend of Big Paw & Cat City Safety Patrol
Pete the Cat_S203E02_Super Surfboard Smash & SpaceCat 3611_ Save the Music
Pete the Cat_S203E03_The Gator's Song & Ohio Sphinx
Pete the Cat_S203E04_Full Court Press & Goodbye, Mrs.Burrow
Pete the Cat_S203E05_Last Days of Summer & The Home Front
Pete the Cat_S203E06_Sharesies & The Magic Oath
Pete the Cat_S205E01_The Call & Pete Over-Extended
Pete the Cat_S205E02_Sally's Sour Note & Gustavo's Security Crisis
Pete the Cat_S205E03_And Then There Were None & Take Your Cat to Work Day
Pete the Cat_S205E04_Fairy Tale Takedown & Let the Games Begin
Pete the Cat_S205E05_Room at the Table & Founders Day
Pete the Cat_S205E06_Gustavo's First Party & Too Cool to Pool
Pete the Cat_S206E01_All the Letters Home & Message In A Bottle
Pete the Cat_S206E02_Dream Melody & The Contest
Pete the Cat_S206E03_A Friend Named Lollypop & Squirrelton
Pete the Cat_S206E04_Fun Fair & Dance Party for One
Pete the Cat_S206E05_Small Steps & Grumpy Gets to Work
Pete the Cat_S206E06_The Five Senses & Everything I need


《小猫皮特 Pete the Cat》 视频预览

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