PBS儿童益智动画片《埃莉诺想知道为什么 Elinor Wonders Why》第1-9季全74集 英语无字 官方纯净无水印版 1080P/MKV/21.7G 动画片埃莉诺想知道为什么下载---终身会员专享

《埃莉诺想知道为什么》(Elinor Wonders Why)由豪尔赫·湛和丹尼尔·怀特森创作的动画电视连续剧。旨在鼓励孩子们追随他们的好奇心,在他们不理解时提出问题,并使用科学探究技能找到答案。动物小镇上最善于观察和好奇的兔子埃莉诺将向 3-5 岁的孩子介绍科学、自然和社区。以探索为主题的节目鼓励孩子们追随自己的好奇心,在不理解时提出问题,并使用科学探究技巧找到答案。主角埃莉诺是加利福尼亚州天然森林以北动物镇中最善于观察和好奇的兔子。她通过与朋友 Olive 和 Ari 的冒险向 3-6 岁的孩子介绍科学、自然和社区。每集包括两个 11 分钟的动画故事,以及插页式内容,Elinor 和她的同学们可以欣赏 Señor Tapir 唱关于著名自然探险家的歌,或者 Mole 女士阅读故事。


《埃莉诺想知道为什么》 简介

《埃莉诺想知道为什么》中的故事围绕着 Elinor 和她的朋友们展开:Ari,一只有趣而富有想象力的蝙蝠,以及 Olive,一头敏锐而温暖的大象。当孩子们探索动物小镇时,他们会遇到各种有趣、有趣和古怪的角色,每个人都可以教我们尊重他人、多样性的重要性、爱护环境以及共同努力解决问题。


《埃莉诺想知道为什么》第1-9季全74集 剧集目录


Elinor Wonders Why_S01E01_Ms. Mole’s Glasses_Elinor Stops the Squish
Elinor Wonders Why_S01E02_Hiding in Plain Sight_Owl Girl
Elinor Wonders Why_S01E03_Backyard Soup_Colorful and Tasty
Elinor Wonders Why_S01E04_The Amazing Expandable Clubhouse_The Town Picnic
Elinor Wonders Why_S01E05_The Science of Staying Warm_The Seed of an Idea

Elinor Wonders Why_S02E01_The House that Ants Built_Special Places
Elinor Wonders Why_S02E02_The Lizard Lounge_Feathers
Elinor Wonders Why_S02E03_Speed Racer_One of These Goats
Elinor Wonders Why_S02E04_The Tomato Drop_Look What I Can Do
Elinor Wonders Why_S02E05_Bird Song_No Need to Shout

Elinor Wonders Why_S03E01_Leave it to Ari_Snow Friend
Elinor Wonders Why_S03E02_Wind in the Web_The Pokey Plant
Elinor Wonders Why_S03E03_Bubble House_The Syrup Tree
Elinor Wonders Why_S03E04_The Paper Trail_Bath Time

Elinor Wonders Why_S04E01_Make Music Naturally_Light the Way
Elinor Wonders Why_S04E02_Follow that Roly Poly_Rain, Rain Don’t Go Away
Elinor Wonders Why_S04E03_Water You Doing__Thinking About Blinking
Elinor Wonders Why_S04E04_These Sneezes_Ari’s Lucky Shirt

Elinor Wonders Why_S05E01_Butterfly Babies_Elinor’s Circus
Elinor Wonders Why_S05E02_Zig Zag Plant_Butterfly Drinks
Elinor Wonders Why_S05E03_Frozen Fish_Pirate Treasure
Elinor Wonders Why_S05E04_Burrowing Owl Girl_Olive's Tree

Elinor Wonders Why_S06E01_Speedy Swimming_Strawberry Jam
Elinor Wonders Why_S06E02_To Bee or Not to Bee_Turtle Crossing
Elinor Wonders Why_S06E03_Big Trees_Baby Steps
Elinor Wonders Why_S06E04_Follow Your Nose_Leaf Charms

Elinor Wonders Why_S07E01_A Change of Art_The Litterbug
Elinor Wonders Why_S07E02_The Unsinkable Lynx_Rocky the Rock
Elinor Wonders Why_S07E03_Echo Location_Ears to You
Elinor Wonders Why_S07E04_Olive's Library_Nature Walk

Elinor Wonders Why_S08E01_Butterfly Party_More Than One Right Way
Elinor Wonders Why_S08E02_Underground Soup_Dandy Dandelions
Elinor Wonders Why_S08E03_A Moth Mystery_Just Peachy
Elinor Wonders Why_S08E04_A Garden For All_Band of Explorers

Elinor Wonders Why_S09E01_The Little Drummer_Rest is Best
Elinor Wonders Why_S09E02_Elinor's Fishy Friend_Do the Crane Dance
Elinor Wonders Why_S09E03_Feed the Birds_Se?or Tapir Says Adios

《埃莉诺想知道为什么》 视频预览

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