美国动画片《牛和鸡 Cow and Chicken》全4季共104集 英语版 高清/MP4/7.16G 动画片牛和鸡下载

牛和鸡》(Cow and Chicken)是一部美国搞笑动画卡通系列剧动画,一共有4季,每季26集,共104集。《鸡与牛 Cow and Chicken》由David Feiss创作, 1997年到1999年在卡通频道首播。该剧和其他卡通频道的节目,如德克斯特的实验室,被收录在cartoonnetwork的What-A-Cartoon!系列中。故事中的牛在英语版中变成后就说西班牙语,在国语配音中变身后的主打句是用苏北话说的“超级牛来拯救喽!”


《牛和鸡》 简介

鸡牛是兄妹,父母是经常只露出下半截身子的人类。怎么样解释这一情节是创作者面临的大问题。David Feiss用主题曲解决了这个问题。"妈妈妈有只鸡,爸爸有只牛。妈妈感到很骄傲,他完全不在意..."再补充下~兄妹俩最爱吃猪蹄膀炖马铃薯哦~还是用投石 机发射的。。。故事的主人公牛妹妹是一只拥有神奇力量的小奶 牛,平时呆呆傻傻,但是在关键时刻就会变身成“超级牛”,变身时她讲西班牙语;牛经常救哥哥鸡。超级牛的口号是:超级牛来拯救喽!鸡与牛的父母,爸爸和妈妈,在片中只出现下半截身子,并没有描述他们的脸,在汤姆和杰利中也有类似手法。在一些故事中,消失的上半身也被作为一个看点。鸡与牛的父母通常都待在家,很单纯和相爱。故事大反派是来自地狱的“没穿裤子先生”(The Red Guy),他的主要任务就是搞破坏,以及调查“超级牛”的来历。

《牛和鸡》 剧集目录

101.supermodel cow
102.part-time job
104.who is super cow
106.the molting fairy
107.the ugliest weenie.part 1
108.the ugliest weenie.epilogue, part 2 or 3
109.drash dive!
110.happy meat
111.school bully
112.time machine
113.orthodontic police
114.the cow with four eyes
115.cow's instincts... don't it
116.ballerina cow
117.field trip to folsom prison
118.the girl's bathroom
119.space cow
120.the legend of sailcat
121.chicken's first kiss
122.squirt the daisies
123.lawnmower chicken
124.cow loves piles
125.head hunting in oregon
126.the king and queen of cheese

201.fluffy the anaconda
202.the laughing puddle
203.pirate lessons
204.halloween with dead ghost, coast to coast
205.tongue sandwich
206.dream date chicken
207.sumo cow
209.dirty laundry
210.grizzly beaver safari
211.which came first
212.boneless kite
213.buffalo gals [raman2779].mpg
214.cow and chicken reclining
215.free inside!
216.journey to the center of cow
217.the karate chick
218.yard sale
219.meet lance sackless
220.who's afraid of the dark
221.the bad news plastic surgeons
222.the exchange stüdent
223.child star
224.perpetual energy
225.bad chicken
226.stay awake

301.can cow come out and play
302.horn envy
303.goin' my way
304.the babysitter
305.cow fly
306.where am i
307.sergeant weenie arms
308.sow and chicken
309.cow's dream catcher
310.me an' my dog
311.grandma at the mall
312.chicken in the bathroom
313.chickens don't fly
315.playin' hookie
316.chicken lips
317.the day i was born
318.factory follies
319.101 uses for cow and chicken
320.intelligent life
321.be careful what you wish for
322.lost at sea
323.night of the ed
324.cow's pie
325.professor longhorn steer
326.a couple of skating fools

401.chachi the chewing gum seal
402.black sheep of the family
403.the full mounty
404.mall cop
405.cow's toys
406.i scream, man
407.cloud nine
408.send in the clowns
409.the big move
410.cow's magic blanket
411.snail boy
412.the penalty wheel
413.invisible cow
414.monster in the closet
415.chicken's fairy tale
416.magic chicken
417.major wedgie
418.the loneliest cow
419.cow's horse
420.red butler
421.cow's a beauty
422.piano lessons
423.duck, duck chicken!
424.the great pantzini
425.the cow and chicken blues
426.the ballad of cow and chicken

《牛和鸡》 视频截图

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