新加坡儿童早教动画片《宝乐学习记一起数一数 Counting With Paula》第四季全60集 英语英字 官方纯净无水印版 1080P/MKV/9.05G 动画片与宝拉一起数数下载

宝乐学习记一起数一数》(Counting With Paula)又名:与宝拉一起数数;是一部由新加坡Omens Studios公司自制作的数学早教动画片,目前官方已经出到第5季,儿童动画网将持续更新。《宝乐学习记一起数一数》使学习数字,计数和形状变得有趣,轻松且有趣。该节目以备受推崇的公共学前数学课程为基础,例如新加坡数学和美国的通用核心课程,其内容是在与幼儿数学教育专家协商后制定的。该课程利用诸如字母和数字素养,空间和色彩意识,理解和社会情感能力等关键技能集,旨在为3至6岁的儿童引入和发展新兴的数字和理解技能。故事表演中有宝拉(Paula)和她的朋友蒂姆(Tim),比利(Billy),查尔基(Chalkie),卡尔(Calc)和数字(Numbers),他们在色彩缤纷,从亚马逊丛林到最深的海洋,充满异国情调的地方进行刺激的冒险。


《宝乐学习记一起数一数》 简介

一个动画系列,让学习数字、计数和形状变得有趣、轻松和有趣。该节目以备受推崇的公立学前数学课程为基础,如新加坡数学和美国共同核心课程,其内容是在咨询幼儿数学教育专家后开发的。该课程借鉴了字母和数字素养、空间和色彩意识、理解和社会情感技能等关键技能,旨在介绍和培养 3 至 6 岁儿童的新兴数字和理解技能。故事 该节目以 Paula 和她的朋友 Tim、Billy、Chalkie、Calc 和 Numbers 为特色,他们在丰富多彩的异国情调的地方进行激动人心的冒险。从亚马逊丛林到最深的海洋,再到最炎热的沙漠,甚至外太空,宝拉和朋友们一路上解决问题,玩得开心,结交更多朋友!

《宝乐学习记一起数一数》第四季全60集 剧集目录


Counting With Paula_S04E01_Let's play together!
Counting With Paula_S04E02_Beach Carnival
Counting With Paula_S04E03_Where'd You Go_
Counting With Paula_S04E04_What's the Time_
Counting With Paula_S04E05_Mr. Dragon's Fire-Breathing Show
Counting With Paula_S04E06_(Don't) Help Me!
Counting With Paula_S04E07_Why So Serious_
Counting With Paula_S04E08_Billy's Cat Cousins
Counting With Paula_S04E09_Save Billy!
Counting With Paula_S04E10_The Sandcastle Destroyer
Counting With Paula_S04E11_Revenge Of The Kids
Counting With Paula_S04E12_Fake Happiness
Counting With Paula_S04E13_Mr. Totemhead's Twin
Counting With Paula_S04E14_Big Wheels Turning
Counting With Paula_S04E15_Tell the Truth!
Counting With Paula_S04E16_Tim's Merit Badges
Counting With Paula_S04E17_Dangerous Actions
Counting With Paula_S04E18_Trash by the Ocean
Counting With Paula_S04E19_Do You Dare_
Counting With Paula_S04E20_Safety First
Counting With Paula_S04E21_Helpful Tim
Counting With Paula_S04E22_Broken Things, Broken Friendships
Counting With Paula_S04E23_Pig & Panda's Rock Band
Counting With Paula_S04E24_Gifts from the Heart
Counting With Paula_S04E25_Saying Goodbye
Counting With Paula_S04E26_Detective Tim
Counting With Paula_S04E27_Technology to the Rescue!
Counting With Paula_S04E28_Glued to the Screen
Counting With Paula_S04E29_The Messy Camper
Counting With Paula_S04E30_Let's Go See the Stars!
Counting With Paula_S04E31_Relax, Billy!
Counting With Paula_S04E32_Lucky Charm
Counting With Paula_S04E33_Pirate Tim
Counting With Paula_S04E34_Playing in the Rain
Counting With Paula_S04E35_Let's Dance!
Counting With Paula_S04E36_I Promise!
Counting With Paula_S04E37_Chalky Gets New Chalk
Counting With Paula_S04E38_Facing Fears
Counting With Paula_S04E39_Curse of the Golden Upside-Down Statue
Counting With Paula_S04E40_The Search for Apple Juice
Counting With Paula_S04E41_Tim's New Pet
Counting With Paula_S04E42_Gotta Keep Moving!
Counting With Paula_S04E43_The Buzz On The Street Is_
Counting With Paula_S04E44_The Mooncake Festival Celebration
Counting With Paula_S04E45_The Winning Photo
Counting With Paula_S04E46_Tim Attempts a World Record
Counting With Paula_S04E47_Food Stall Takeover
Counting With Paula_S04E48_Trying A New Dish
Counting With Paula_S04E49_Teasing Hurts
Counting With Paula_S04E50_Tim's New Puppy
Counting With Paula_S04E51_High-Tech Calc
Counting With Paula_S04E52_Paula, the Fire-Safety Officer
Counting With Paula_S04E53_A Real Dragon!
Counting With Paula_S04E54_What's a Cuckoo_
Counting With Paula_S04E55_Flying a Kite
Counting With Paula_S04E56_When Pig Flies
Counting With Paula_S04E57_Special Dice
Counting With Paula_S04E58_Chalky's Cactus
Counting With Paula_S04E59_Snakes and a Plane
Counting With Paula_S04E60_A Gift Fit for a Prince


《宝乐学习记一起数一数》 视频预览

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