美国儿童动画片《草莓甜心:大城市中的浆果 Strawberry Shortcake: Berry in the Big City》第1-2季全40集 德英法西班牙等多语音轨(无国语)+英文字幕 官方纯净无水印版 1080P/MKV/6.76G 动画片草莓甜心下载

儿童动画网收录的《草莓甜心:大城市中的浆果》 第1-2季全40集(该部动画为官方原版,在单季剧集内容及播放时长上或许与国内不一致),影片为1080P超清MKV格式,内置英、法、德等多语音轨(无国语)及英语字幕。不会切换影片语言及字幕的同学请参考“如何切换影片语言及字幕”;百度网盘下载,下载后为分卷压缩文件,不会解压的同学请仔细阅读“解压图文教程”

《草莓甜心:大城市中的浆果》 简介


《草莓甜心:大城市中的浆果》 第1-2季全40集剧集目录


Strawberry Shortcake_ Berry in the Big City_S01E01_Berry in the Big City_ Part One _ Berry in the Big City_ Part Two
Strawberry Shortcake_ Berry in the Big City_S01E02_Oven Trouble _ Legend of the Spoon
Strawberry Shortcake_ Berry in the Big City_S01E03_No Ordinary Berry _ Mean Berries
Strawberry Shortcake_ Berry in the Big City_S01E04_The Ghosts of Cupcakes Past _ Fright-Fall
Strawberry Shortcake_ Berry in the Big City_S01E05_It's My Purr-ty _ The Great Gooseberry Chase
Strawberry Shortcake_ Berry in the Big City_S01E06_Berry Bounty Banquet_ Part One _ Berry Bounty Banquet_ Part Two
Strawberry Shortcake_ Berry in the Big City_S01E07_Meet Huckleberry Pie _ Waiting for Genoise
Strawberry Shortcake_ Berry in the Big City_S01E08_Berry Merry Melody _ Lemon's Name in Lights
Strawberry Shortcake_ Berry in the Big City_S01E09_New Year's Wish _ Will You Be My Lemontine!
Strawberry Shortcake_ Berry in the Big City_S01E10_A Berryworks Mystery! _ Be Your Berry Best
Strawberry Shortcake_ Berry in the Big City_S01E11_The Cakenator _ Blueberry Brainfreeze
Strawberry Shortcake_ Berry in the Big City_S01E12_Who Stole the Pies_ _ Go for the Goldenberry
Strawberry Shortcake_ Berry in the Big City_S01E13_And the Smoothie Goes To _ Mint-eresting
Strawberry Shortcake_ Berry in the Big City_S01E14_Keylime Time _ Everyberry Needs Someberry Sometimes
Strawberry Shortcake_ Berry in the Big City_S01E15_Gym Berries _ Huck's New Job
Strawberry Shortcake_ Berry in the Big City_S01E16_Dreamy Dessert _ Spring Cleaning
Strawberry Shortcake_ Berry in the Big City_S01E17_Lucky Berry _ Johnnycake Cobbler's Sensational Sweetening Spritz
Strawberry Shortcake_ Berry in the Big City_S01E18_Strawberry Surprise _ Bread Pudding's New BFF
Strawberry Shortcake_ Berry in the Big City_S01E19_Ice Cream Trouble _ Beat the Heat
Strawberry Shortcake_ Berry in the Big City_S01E20_Bake Off_ Part One _ Bake Off_ Part Two

Strawberry Shortcake_ Berry in the Big City_S02E01_A Berry Perfect Kind of Day Part One _ A Berry Perfect Kind of Day Part Two
Strawberry Shortcake_ Berry in the Big City_S02E02_Fruitleg Alley _ Purple Protégé
Strawberry Shortcake_ Berry in the Big City_S02E03_Scaryoke _ Save the Pumpkins
Strawberry Shortcake_ Berry in the Big City_S02E04_Deliveryberries _ Traffic Jam
Strawberry Shortcake_ Berry in the Big City_S02E05_Foam Alone _ Berry Bounty Bolt
Strawberry Shortcake_ Berry in the Big City_S02E06_All About Lemon _ Snow-Aisis
Strawberry Shortcake_ Berry in the Big City_S02E07_Mission Unfrostable _ The Magic is You
Strawberry Shortcake_ Berry in the Big City_S02E08_Best New Year's EVER _ Pets to the Rescue
Strawberry Shortcake_ Berry in the Big City_S02E09_The Mint Gala _ Figgy Pudding
Strawberry Shortcake_ Berry in the Big City_S02E10_SuperBerry _ All in the Palm
Strawberry Shortcake_ Berry in the Big City_S02E11_Adventures in Berrysitting _ Bad Day Blues
Strawberry Shortcake_ Berry in the Big City_S02E12_Granola Crunch _ Strawberry Nightmare
Strawberry Shortcake_ Berry in the Big City_S02E13_LemonLime Back in Time _ The Case of the Missing Spoon
Strawberry Shortcake_ Berry in the Big City_S02E14_Strawberry Bake Fail _ Berry Competitive
Strawberry Shortcake_ Berry in the Big City_S02E15_Music in Our Hearts _ Parking Problems
Strawberry Shortcake_ Berry in the Big City_S02E16_Find Your Voice _ Fashion Forward
Strawberry Shortcake_ Berry in the Big City_S02E17_Slumber Party _ The Cricket
Strawberry Shortcake_ Berry in the Big City_S02E18_The Legend of Crystal Cupcake _ Sweet and Sour
Strawberry Shortcake_ Berry in the Big City_S02E19_Peculiar Purple Partner Part 1 _ Peculiar Purple Partner 第 2 部分
Strawberry Shortcake_ Berry in the Big City_S02E20_Let's Go to the Movies _ Let the Good Times Roll

《草莓甜心:大城市中的浆果》 视频预览

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